In November of 1998, with a handful of people, no buildings, and no money, Pastor Brian Hammond started The Church at South Lake with the desire to become a church for the un-churched. Understanding that many people don’t attend church because often it is “boring” and “irrelevant”, The Church at South Lake opened its doors with 18 people who were committed to showing people an accurate picture of God.
Driven by the belief that people really do matter to God, the church has grown from its initial 18 people, meeting in an 800 square foot room in 1998, to our permanent location on the corner of Hooks St and Hancock Rd. where people from all walks of life can fit in and find their place in God’s story.

Love God, Love Others, Live with Purpose
To help people know and follow Jesus.
Our core values are more than just words, they are ideals on which we as a church place high value. They are what help guide our actions and help us stay on target to what God is doing through His church. They each act as a filter which helps us to remain focused on and be true to the vision that God has set before us.
Knowing God
Spend Daily Time with Him.
Growing Together
Walk out your faith journey with others.
Discovering Purpose
Become exactly who God created you to be.
Living Generously
Share of yourself in time, talent, and treasure.
Giving Our Best
Strive for excellence, not perfection.
Making a Difference
Serve our community wherever you are.
As we look into the scriptures, we come to know the Author of Scripture. Biblical truths become a window into the heart and mind of God. In today’s culture that tells us, “It doesn’t matter what you believe, just as long as you believe,” or “The important thing is to be sincere,” we believe that truth still matters. Even if the quantity of your faith is great, if the object of your faith is not true, then it is useless. God is personal and seeks a continuing love relationship with us that is both real and personal. He has told us about Himself and what He requires of us. The rich knowledge of God is expressed through His Word and we are called to center our lives around its truth.
The Church at South Lake is an independent, self-governing, local church led by a team of Directors, made up of our pastors and elders.

Brian Hammond

Cesar Pumariega

Reinaldo Montero

Al Cartwright

Matt Dial

Rocky DeStefano
Realizing the importance of the Biblical example of being linked with other churches for the sake of teamwork, unity, effectiveness and accountability, The Church At South Lake is affiliated with the Southern Baptist Convention. Alliance with this organization provides accountability, opportunity and exposure to the largest association of churches in Florida and the U.S., as well as some of the best thinking in churches today. It allows us to be a part of something bigger than ourselves.