South Lake Cares works to show our local community that we care deeply and love fully. Whether it’s feeding children or senior adults, counseling, community renovation projects, or providing resources to love on your own neighborhood, our desire is to come along side people and help them know that they are not alone.
South Lake Cares currently offers three different programs in our local community.

We provide a range disaster relief services in partnership with various National, State and Local agencies, including the Lake County Emergency Operations Center.

We work in partnership with local schools providing weekly food support for kids in crisis and at-home delivery to local homebound senior adults.

We offer a range of mental and emotional health services to help people move toward a brighter future.
The church is a global movement with a global mission each and every one of us are called to play a part in. It is for this reason that we support several foreign missionaries and organizations through a combination of financial support and short-term mission trips.
Echo Ranch, a ministry of Avant, is a camp ministry that reaches out to children and teens in Southeast Alaska. We partner with them by sending teams for 1-2 weeks over the summer to assist with camp programs and/or facilities construction and maintenance needs. For more info on Echo Ranch, visit their website –
Working with the missionary organization called “New Tribes Mission”, Keith and Angie Copley are in PNG serving the Hewa people. Their goal is to plant tribal churches in un-reached areas of the world. We help provide a portion of their monthly financial support through our annual church budget.
A cooperative network of churches that pool resources strategically to have the greatest impact for the Great Commission. The Cooperative program funds the International Missions Board (IMB), the largest international missions agency in the world, and the North American Mission Board (NAMB), strategically helping to plant churches throughout North America. The Cooperative program also funds numerous children’s homes, schools, aid and relief organizations, etc. through the US and overseas.
Ukraine mission trip is tentatively scheduled for July 1-11. This trip will be hosting a week of camp for local children, many of whom have been affected by the ongoing war in Ukraine. Our mission partner is Mission 823. Cost: (Approx.) $3,500 – the cost will be determined based on team size and pricing of tickets. ** Must be 18 years or older, valid passport is required.
Alaska mission trip is Saturday, July 12-19. This trip will include: light construction and/or maintenance, kitchen help and cleaning cabins throughout the week. Our mission partner is Echo Ranch Bible Camp. Cost: $1,900.